
Benefits of the efficient energy use by consumers

In accordance with EU Directive 2006/32 / EU of the  European Parliament and of the Council of 5 April 2006 on energy end-use efficiency and energy services:

1)There is a need to improve energy end-use, energy demand management and the promotion of renewable energy production, as there is a relatively small spectrum for any other impact on energy stocks and short- and medium-term distribution conditions, either through new capacity construction or improvement ( energy) transmission and distribution.
2)Improving energy end-use will also help reduce primary energy consumption by reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases, thus preventing dangerous climate change. Emissions continue to increase, making it increasingly difficult to meet commitments under the Kyoto Protocol. Human activities in the Community's energy sector account for up to 78% of greenhouse gas emissions. The Sixth Community Environment Action Program, approved by Decision № 1600/2002 / EC of the European Parliament and of the Council, provides for the necessary further emission reductions to achieve the long-term objective of the United Nations Convention on Climate Change, which is to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere. levels at which dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system can be prevented.
3)Improving energy end-use will enable the cost-effective use of potential energy savings. Measures to improve the rational use of energy can save energy and thus reduce the Community's dependence on imported energy. Moreover, as emphasized in the Lisbon Strategy, moving closer to more energy-efficient technologies can increase the Community's innovation and competitiveness. Energy efficiency - the term is used to describe a set of measures for the use of energy-saving equipment, modernization of power plants and energy savings in general. Energy efficiency is usually associated with savings in the provision of residential and industrial facilities. Also, this term can include the human factor, change of schedule or location of jobs. Improving energy efficiency means reducing energy costs, modernizing networks and systems, improving the environmental problem. Efficient use of extracted, non-renewable resources will reduce their extraction and environmental pollution. The issue of energy efficiency is a problem of the present, not the future.

General advice to consumers-enterprises on improving energy efficiency in electricity consumption:

·         conducting an energy audit of the enterprise;

·         implementation of energy management system;

·         material encouragement of persons responsible for efficient energy consumption;

·         setting reasonable limits on electricity consumption.

Ministry of Energy of Ukraine: http://mpe.kmu.gov.ua

State Agency for Energy Efficiency and Energy Saving of Ukraine: http://saee.gov.ua/