
Quality of services

Quality standards for the provision of electricity supplier services are provided

Resolution of the National Commission for Regulation of Economic Competition №375 of 12.06.2018 "On approval of the procedure for ensuring quality standards of electricity supply and compensation to consumers for non-compliance" https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0375874-18#Text

Guaranteed quality standards for the provision of services by the electricity supplier include:

1) provision of data on electricity consumption within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the consumer's application;

2) consideration of appeals / complaints / claims of consumers from the date of receipt of the appeal / complaint / claim of the consumer:

within 30 days;

within 45 days, if during the consideration of the application it is necessary to carry out a technical inspection or conduct an examination of the means of commercial accounting;

3) consideration of consumer appeals to verify the correctness of the electricity bill within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the appeal;

4) taking into account the amount of appropriate compensation for non-compliance with guaranteed quality standards of services provided by the system operator in the final consumer account for electricity (if the supply of electricity to the consumer is carried out by the universal service provider or if according to the commercial offer of the electricity supplier provided by the electricity supplier) within 30 days from the date of receipt of the notification from the system operator regarding the payment of compensation;

5) invoicing by the electricity supplier (in paper or electronic form) within the terms specified in the contract for the supply of electricity and by the Rules of Electricity Market ;

6) invoicing by the electricity supplier with correct data on the price, cost and amount of electricity consumed.

In case the electricity supplier does not provide compensation for non-compliance with the guaranteed quality standards of the electricity supply, the consumer has the right to apply to the electricity supplier with an application form.

For the current amount of compensation for non-compliance with guaranteed quality standards for the provision of services to the electricity supplier, see Annex №2 to the Resolution of the National Commission for Regulation of Economic Competition №375 of June 12, 2018 https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/v0375874-18#Text

In case of unreasonable refusal to provide compensation or leaving the application without consideration, the consumer has the right to apply to the National Commission for Regulation of Economic Competition and its territorial bodies.

Compensation for non-compliance with guaranteed quality standards of service provision by the electricity supplier is not provided in the following cases:

1) non-compliance with guaranteed quality standards of service provision was caused by proven force majeure circumstances;

2) refusal of the consumer in writing to receive compensation;

3) issuance of an incorrect invoice  (in case of non-compliance with the guaranteed quality standard of services provided by the electricity supplier, defined by subparagraph 6 of paragraph 4.3 of Chapter 4 of this Procedure);

4) the absence of compensation of contractual relations between the consumer who was entitled to compensation and the electricity supplier;

5) receipt of a written refusal of the consumer to provide information on the registration number of the taxpayer's account card or series and passport number (for persons who due to their religious beliefs refuse to accept the registration number of the taxpayer's account card and notified the relevant state tax service) the time of concluding the contract for the provision of electricity supply services.