
Supply of electricity

The supply of electricity to the consumer is carried out under the contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer.

Electricity is supplied to the consumer if:

1) the consumer object is connected to the networks of the system operator in the manner prescribed by law;
2) the electricity supplier under the agreement with the system operator has gained access to the networks and the opportunity to sell electricity on the territory of the system operator;
3) the consumer is a party to existing agreements:
on the provision of services for the distribution (transmission) of electricity;
on the supply of electricity to the consumer or on the supply of electricity by the universal service provider, or on the supply of electricity by the supplier of "last resort".
4) there is no fact of termination / suspension of electricity supply or provision of services for distribution (transmission) of electricity in cases provided by the legislation in the field of energy;
5) there is no overdue debt under contracts for the supply of electricity or for the provision of distribution / transmission system services.

Reading of means of measurement of the consumed electric energy According to item 2.3.11. and § 2.3.14. Rules of the retail electricity market approved by the Resolution of the NCRECP 12312 of 14.03.2018, commercial accounting in the retail electricity market is organized by the administrator of commercial accounting and is carried out by providers of commercial accounting services in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Electricity Market" of these Rules. Removal of readings of measuring equipment is provided by the Provider of commercial accounting services in accordance with the Commercial Accounting Code

Payment for consumed electricity is made in accordance with the terms of the selected commercial offer and the Contract for the supply of electricity to the consumer.

The change of the electricity supplier takes place in accordance with the procedure established by Section VI of the Rules of the Retail Electricity Market, approved by the Resolution of the National Commission for Electricity Market Regulation №312 of March 14, 2018.

Termination of full or partial supply of electricity to the consumer is carried out by the electricity supplier, provided that the consumer is notified no later than 10 working days before the day of disconnection in the case of:

  • arrears of payment for consumed electricity in accordance with the terms of the contract with the electricity supplier;
  • non-admission of authorized representatives of the electricity supplier to the settlement means of commercial electricity metering located on the territory of the consumer.

For a consumer who is declared bankrupt in the manner prescribed by law, the termination of all or part of the supply of electricity in connection with the debt is carried out without notice in the event of a negative balance on the personal account in accordance with the indications of commercial accounting, unless such the consumer, in respect of whom measures to prevent bankruptcy are taken in accordance with the established procedure, shall make a timely calculation of the current payment for the consumed electricity, and the repayment of his debt shall be included in the measures to secure creditors' claims.

The warning on termination of full or partial supply of electricity is issued after establishing the fact of the grounds for these actions and is provided to the consumer by a separate written notice stating the grounds, date and time from which the electricity supply will be completely or partially suspended, name, on the father, the signature of the responsible person to whom the warning is issued.

The date of receipt of such warnings will be the date of their personal delivery, confirmed by the signature of the recipient and / or registration of incoming correspondence, or the third calendar day from the date of receipt by the post office where the recipient is served (by registered mail).

If the reason for the termination of electricity supply is the consumer's debt to the Supplier, the notice of termination of electricity supply shall additionally indicate the amount of debt under the relevant contract and the period for which this debt arose.

If the consumer eliminates violations within the established period, which is duly confirmed in advance (before the day of disconnection), the supply of electricity to the consumer is not terminated.

Restoration of power supply of consumer electrical installations, power outage of which was carried out in the manner prescribed by the EDP is carried out by the system operator in the manner prescribed by the Transmission Code and Distribution Systems Code, within 3 working days in cities and 5 working days in rural areas. violations, which is confirmed by the relevant document of the Supplier, at the request of which the power supply was cut off. The Supplier shall notify the system operator on the day of receipt of such information about the elimination of the reasons for disconnection.

The costs of the system operator for the termination and restoration of power supply of the consumer's electrical installation (reconnection of the electrical installation) are covered by the Supplier, which are reimbursed by the Consumer, if the termination of electricity supply to the Consumer was carried out in the prescribed manner.